How Can I Maintain The Cleanliness of My Rugs Between Professional Cleanings 

How Can I Maintain The Cleanliness of My Rugs Between Professional Cleanings?   

Professional cleanings are essential to keeping your area rugs in top shape. But in between those professional cleanings, the rugs can start to accumulate dust, dirt, and other imperfections. You can reduce that accumulation by changing how you care for the rugs as you wait for the next professional cleaning.

Vacuum Once or Twice a Week

A very simple action you can take to keep rugs clean is to vacuum more often. If you’re already vacuuming once a week, switch to twice a week. If that doesn’t seem to help, or if you’re already vacuuming twice a week and not seeing improvement, see if you can determine the source of the dust or dirt. 

Vacuuming picks up dust, dirt, hair, and anything else that could discolor the carpet that’s loose and dry. But before you vacuum, you may want to consider “raking” the rug. 

Rake the Rug

You can find special rubber rakes meant to remove pet hair from rugs and carpet. Even if you don’t have a pet, get one of these rakes. You’d be surprised at how much hair humans can shed in a week, and all that hair prevents vacuums from picking up as much dirt as possible and traps dirt in the rug in between vacuum sessions. Plus, the hair that the vacuum manages to pick up can clog up the brush with tangles.

Switch From Shoes to Slippers

One of the best ways to keep rugs clean is to reduce the amount of dirt getting onto them in the first place. A large part of this can be done simply by taking your shoes off when you get home and switching to indoor slippers or walking around in your socks. If you truly don’t like not wearing shoes, keep specific pairs for use indoors, and switch to pairs reserved for outside use, even when you’re only going outside to check the mail. It may not seem like you’re tracking much dirt in with your shoes, but it can accumulate over time. 

Make Sure You Know What the Rug Is Made Of

While most rugs can handle basic cleaning like vacuuming, any more in-depth cleaning relies on knowing what material the rug is made of. Silk and wool rugs, for example, require much more careful treatment than a basic polypropylene rug. An antique Persian rug, no matter the material, would need more careful treatment than a plain department store rug. You wouldn’t want to use a harsh stain remover treatment on a silk Persian rug, for example.

Tackle Stains Immediately

Chances are you already leap to clean up stains when you see them form. But if you find a hidden stain, don’t leave it for the next professional cleaning. What you use to clean the stain will depend on the rug’s material and the type of stain of course. But don’t ignore it because whatever you can clean up now will still make the rug look better. You may want to look at keeping a portable rug cleaning machine made for stains at home.

Schedule Regular Professional Cleanings

If you own area rugs and want to set up a regular cleaning schedule, you’ll need to find a rug cleaning company in Montgomery County, PA. Ask about different contracts and prices so that you can set up the best schedule for you. When you want to find a rug cleaning service in King of Prussia, PA, contact East Coast Rug Care! 

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